Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran Church

 All are Welcome at Our Savior Lutheran Church!

Every church says it, but Our Savior even sings it in one of the most joyful songs in our hymnal:                

Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,

a place where saints and children tell how how hearts learn to forgive.

Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;

here the love of Christ shall end divisions:  All are welcome, all are welcome,

all are welcome in this place. 

-Marty Haugen

But just what does that mean … especially in a time when people seem hopelessly divided—at odds over politics and vaccines and race and religion.  We need a stronger word than welcome and a more enduring expression than humans can offer.  That’s precisely what God’s grace provides.  God’s grace means more than ‘all are welcome.'  God’s grace says that all are accepted, all are included, all matter … because all are children of God.   God’s grace cuts through our division.  God’s grace is a transforming and healing embrace that washes away hatred and bigotry, conceit and pride.  God’s grace makes all things new.  And that is precisely the new word that Our Savior Lutheran Church extends to you: All Are Accepted by God's unconditional love so that all people can come home to God’s grace in Christ Jesus!   Indeed,

All are Accepted at Our Savior Lutheran Church

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Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.

CROP Hunger Walk
2:00PM | Audubon Park